Costco America

Project Info

Book Design and Photography


Amy Auman


Martian Mono by Evil Martians, Cigar by Heavyweight, Giphurs by Corne2Plum3, Scotch Text Compressed by Positype
When I first moved to America, I vividly remember the first time I stepped foot into a Costco warehouse. From then on, I had a strong association between Costco and the “American Dream.” Intrigued by the subject, as my family recently turned into a Costco family, I notice a cult following of Costco in almost everyone I talk to, no matter what background they are from.
In the bustling landscape of American consumerism, where choices abound and shopping experiences vary, one retail giant stands as a testament to a unique facet of the national ethos – Costco. More than just a warehouse of bulk goods, Costco has come to symbolize a distinctive intersection between commerce and culture in the United States. As we delve into the aisles of this retail behemoth, it becomes apparent that Costco is more than a store; it’s a microcosm reflecting the evolving dynamics of American consumerism. As America becomes an increasingly melting pot, Costco also expands its scope of customer and their products. This project aims to dissect Costco’s identity and its role in the broader context of America by examining its corporate structure, customer base, personal narratives, and the products it offers.

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